
A list of my absolute favourite go-to websites for information and updates regarding World of Warcraft.

  • Bank Alt - I permanently have this website open. It's a profession and trade skill calculator that calculates components and sub-components and sub-sub-components (you get the idea) of something you wish to craft. I no longer need pieces of paper floating around everywhere with random numbers on them reminding me that 5 Netherweave Cloth cost this much in a bolt and then those 4 bolts cost that much to make a bag!
  • Elitist Jerks - Amazing website with all your class needs. I frequently refer to it when I've leveled a new toon or if I want to brush up on my main. I usually skip past all the scary numbers and math and look at what I need to be doing with my class.
  • Got Warcraft Leveling Guides - Straight forward, easy to read leveling guides including talent selections and builds best for leveling. This is great if you're an altoholic like me (and have no idea what you're doing outside of regularly healing stuff/hitting stuff/aggroing stuff).
  • MMO Champion - Everyone knows this one!
  • The Consortium - A plethora of gold making and profession information including strategies for every market and guides. An absolute must for beginners and advanced goblins alike. Everything that comes out of this website is pure gold (oh I'm clever, aren't I?)
  • The Undermine Journal - Auction House statistics and data. Not sure what to sell that rare BOE recipe for that you just picked up? Check this website out, it's honestly fantastic. You can also check out what's selling well on your server and the popularity of different items.
  • WarcraftPets - A handy website that gives you any and all information on every single pet companion in the game. You can also make an account and track your pet collecting process. Great for all you pet addicts out there!
  • WarcraftMounts - Another great tracking website and information website for all your mount needs. Great for all you pet mount addicts out there!
  • WoW-Professions - A straight forward website detailing the power-leveling of professions including materials needed and how much needed of those materials. I take this is a reference only and not I-absolutely-need-to-do-this-exactly type guide.

And just a little note in regards to my 'link love' blog roll over on the right side of the page. This is a list of my favourite daily/weekly reads from around the web in regards to gold making, achievements and priestly business. These blogs are great resources for information updated almost all the time and I highly recommend you check them out.